Kotagiri – Don Bosco in the News

The History of the HouseThe property of Mount Don Bosco Kotagiri was bought by Fr. Carreno in the year 1946, mainly to serve as a Rest House during summer for the European Missionaries. Slowly it became a study house and a retreat house. From 1947 to 1953 it served as a Novitiate and from 1961 to 1967 as a Theologate and from 1978 onwards it served as a Novitiate for the Bangalore Province until Chennai province took over in the year 1997. Immediately it was decided not to start any new institutions until they involve themselves in the lives of the local people and clergy.

In view of that, a people’s forum by name Kotagiri Joint Forum for Education was launched comprising of many good willed local citizens, government officials and welfare organizations. Government collaboration works startedthrough Tribal welfare works, Ecological works like watershed programmes and assisting the district administration in educating the Government school children.

Sometime later, Kotagiri Community College was established and started giving Life Skill programme and Employment Programmes to the poor dropout youth of Nilgiris. Through the Programme project they were able to start Self-help Groups in 40 villages and made the people to self-sustain through their own small savings. Through the empowering programmes they educated the people to tap the Government resources and projects.

The tribal welfare works were extended to Kadambur, Talawadi and eventually they became new presences. The youth of the area were initially trained in Kotagiri.


Activities And Sectors

The Salesian community at Kotagiri takes care of the development of the poor and deserving young tribal people through motivational courses, vocational training and evening study centres. The Kotagiri Community College has now been closed and focus has been shifted to hosting training and orientation programmes for children and youth on personality development, leadership training & life coping skills.Retreat & Training Centre: Prayer Meetings and Youth Animation Programmes – Computer and English Coaching classes for Tribal children. Social Ministry. Yuvaparivarthan Trust- Adivasi Federations – Women Empowerment Association (SHGs) – Kotagiri Joint Forum For Education – Evening Study Centres for Sri Lankan Repatriates and Tribal children – Mount Don Bosco Chess Academy. Vazhikaatti: Career Guidance & Job Placement Cell.

Kotagiri – Don Bosco in the Photo Gallery

    Contact Person

    P Robert Alphonse R/A

    Contact Details

    location_cityMount Don Bosco
    Nilgiris District 643217

    (04266) 271 709 - House


    P Robert Alphonse R/A
    P Dolphie Sequeira V/La/Animator
    P Chinnapparaj Desam Ys/Social Ministry
