Broadway F.X. Parish in the News

The History of the HouseUntil 1843, catholic families of Broadway had to go to St. Mary’s Co-cathedral for masses and services. A chapel of 67” x 36” was built in 1850 (the present St. Anne’s convent) for housing the masses. On 3rd December 1866, the present St. Francis Xavier’s church was constructed and sanctified with Fr. D. Doyle as the first parish priest. From 1878 to 1929 the parish was administered by diocesan clergy. Fr. Ignatius Muthu SDB, in 1929 took charge as the first Salesian and the church continues to be under the Salesian care till date. Fr. Orfeo Mantovani SDB, the parish priest from 1952 to 1963 ensured the construction of frontal elevation as well as the interior of the church.

Various pious associations build up the faith of the people for decades such as: Legion of Mary (1930), Sodality of Mary Help of Christians (11 February 1937), St. Vincent de Paul Society (1937), St. Camillus dispensary (1947), Parochial board (1950), Magazine: Favours and Graces Received (Tamil & English in 1952), Salesian Cooperators (1954), Campaign for enthronement of Sacred Heart (1958), Sagaya Madha Hall (1960), Catechetical Hall (1979), Dominic Savio Preparatory School (1984), Computer Education (2001), Youth Hall (2000), Clive Battery Substation Social Welfare Activity under SMA sisters (1985), Clive Battery Vailankanni Chapel (2001). Many other facilities and modifications too have been undertaken over these many years by the 20 Salesian Parish Priests who have shepherded the parish from 1928 till now.

St. Francis Xavier’s Church
38, Broadway
Chennai – 600 108

(044) 2524 8644 Parish
(044) 2521 6213 ParishPriest

Activities And Sectors

The Salesian community at St. Francis Xavier’s caters to the faith formation of the faithful in the parish. There is also a nursery and matriculation school catering to the poor and deserving Catholic children of the parish and the locality.Parish Ministry: Shrine of Mary Help of Christians – Parish Council Anbiyams – Pious Associations – Charismatic Prayer – Bible Study. Academic Ed: Dominic Savio Mat. School.
Social Ministry: Typing – Free Daily Dispensary – Evening Study Centres. Youth Centre. Salesian Family: Salesian Cooperators. Chaplaincies.

Broadway F.X. Parish in the Photo Gallery

    House Head

    Contact person
    P Sitrarasu Kanickaraj - R/Pp/Cd

    Contact Person

    P Sitrarasu Kanickaraj - R/Pp/Cd

    Contact Details

    location_citySt. Francis Xavier’s Church
    38, Broadway
    Chennai - 600 108

    (044) 2524 8644 - Parish
    (044) 2521 6213 - ParishPriest


    P Sitrarasu Kanickaraj R/Pp/Cd
    P Maria Louis Lourdusamy V/A/Ap
    P Sagayaraj Perianayagam Ap/Ys/St: M.Sc. (Vis.Com) 2
    nd Yr.
    P Vaniapurayil Vikrant Co
    P Anand Adaikalasamy Ap/Tr
