INM Province Feast & Jubilee Celebrations

    Chennai, India – July 2024 – The Salesian Province of Chennai INM marked a significant occasion with a grand celebration on the feast day of St. Thomas, the patron saint of the province. The celebration included the Province Feast and the Jubilee Celebration of 9 Salesians. This solemn event took place with a Eucharistic celebration presided over by Most Rev. AM Chinnappa sdb, Archbishop Emeritus of Madras-Mylapore. The ceremony saw the active participation of jubilarians, confreres, lay people, and members of the Salesian family, making it a memorable and heartwarming event.


    The jubilarians honored during this celebration were recognized for their decades of dedicated service and commitment to the Lord. The celebration was graced by the presence of three bishops, Rev. Bp. AM Chinnappa, Rev. Bp. Neethinathan, and Rev. Bp. Jeromedhas, whose attendance added a special significance to the occasion. The gathering of the province around the jubilarians was a heartfelt expression of gratitude and joy.

    The Province Jubilee Celebration provided an opportunity for the province to unite in appreciation of the jubilarians’ selfless service and to make them feel truly special on this joyous occasion.

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    Dominic Matthews

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