Deepagam, Catechetical institute had staged sound and light programme in Don Bosco Centre Yelagiri Hills

Deepagam, Catechetical institute had staged sound and light programme in Don Bosco Centre Yelagiri Hills on 06-04-19. The Sound and Light programme was witnessed by 1100 people from Yelagiri Hills. The event was successful and people was taken up by the faith of the crew who have come their to show their faith in Jesus,and the sound and light programme itself.

    This programme turned out to be very meaningful and rejuvenated the faith of the people, students who witnessed the programme. The script of this programme was mind blowing and was taken up by the audience.

    The community of Don Bosco extends thanks to Deepagam and Friends for staging very meaning full programme and a special thanks to Fr. Parthiban SDB, Director of Deepagam.

    Yellagiri – Don Bosco

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    Dominic Matthews

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