=== MetaSlider Lightbox === Contributors: matchalabs, DavidAnderson, dnutbourne, kbat82 Tags: wordpress slideshow lightbox,meta slider,metaslider,metaslider lightbox,slideshow lightbox,lightbox,slideshow,slider,wordpress lightbox Requires at least: 3.5 Tested up to: 6.5.5 Stable tag: 1.13.2 Requires PHP: 5.4 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Extends MetaSlider allowing slides to be opened in a lightbox. == Description == For use with the popular WordPress plugin MetaSlider allowing slides to be opened in a lightbox, using one of the following supported lightbox plugins:
We also support the following WordPress plugins, although they haven't had recent updates, or sometimes go long periods without the authors fixing issues:
If you would like to use a lightbox plugin that isn't supported you can add support by hooking into the `metaslider_lightbox_supported_plugins` filter. If you need assistance, please open an issue. ## Template and Pattern Library MetaSlider Lightbox now includes access to the Extendify template and pattern library that can be accessed by clicking the “Library” button in the menu bar of the editor. We provide a variety of templates and patterns to serve different use cases and are adding more templates every week. Note: Templates and patterns rely on blocks and styling applied by the Editor Plus plugin. The Editor Plus plugin is required when importing a template or pattern. If you uninstall Editor Plus, the templates and patterns will still display on your site, but the styling may be affected. Additionally, stock images included in the templates are hosted on GutenbergHub.com. We recommend replacing the images or adding them to your media library directly. ## Privacy MetaSlider Lightbox uses a custom API to fetch templates and patterns from the Extendify template and pattern library. To improve the service and stability we store logs which may contain the following: * browser type * referring site * date and time of request * category selection or search term * anonymized IP address API requests are only made when a user clicks on the Library button. For more details on our privacy policy: https://www.metaslider.com/privacy-policy/ For more details on our terms of service: https://www.metaslider.com/terms-of-use/ == Screenshots == 1. Toggle the lightbox in the advanced settings panel == Installation == Requires:
and one of the following lightbox plugins: If you would like to use a lightbox plugin, you can filter the supported plugin list with the necessary attributes. For example, using Responsive Lightbox Lite
add_filter('metaslider_lightbox_supported_plugins', 'supported_plugins_list');
function supported_plugins_list($supported_plugins_list) {
    return array(
        'Responsive Lightbox' => array(
            'location' => 'responsive-lightbox-lite/responsive-lightbox-lite.php',
            'settings_url' => 'options-general.php?page=responsive-lightbox-lite',
            'rel' => 'lightbox',
            'attributes' => array(
                'data-lightbox-type' => 'iframe'

Note that you can use :url or :caption to retrieve these items from the slides, such as 'data-lightbox-url' => ':url'

The easy way: 1. Go to the Plugins Menu in WordPress 2. Search for "MetaSlider Lightbox" 3. Click "Install" The not so easy way: 1. Upload the `ml-slider-lightbox` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 3. Manage your slideshows using the 'MetaSlider' menu option == Changelog == The format is based on [Keep a Changelog recommendations](http://keepachangelog.com/) and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/). = [1.13.2] - 10 Jul, 2024 = * ADDED: metaslider_admin_notices hook, #26; = [1.13.1] - 12 Oct, 2021 = * FIXED: Lightbox setting is broken if using MetaSlider v3.27.13, #18; * CHANGED: Remove Extendify library; = [1.13.0] - 13 Jul, 2021 = * CHANGED: Update the library. = [1.12.2] - 7 Jul, 2021 = * FIXED: Bug fixes. * ADDED: Adds option to disable the library. = [1.12.1] - 17 May, 2021 = * FIXED: Bug fixes. = [1.12.0] - 28 Apr, 2021 = * ADDED: Adds access to the Extendify template and pattern library. = [1.11.3] - 22 Aug, 2020 = * CHANGED: Updates readme and team account info. = [1.11.2] - 09 Apr, 2020 = * CHANGED: De-prioritizes recommendation for Responsive Lightbox by dFactory due to inactivity. = [1.11.1] - 14 Aug, 2019 = * FIXED: Fixes issue where the setting wouldn't save properly. = [1.11.0] - 8 Jul, 2019 = * ADDED: Adds support for Gallery Manager Pro. = [1.10.4] - 30 Apr, 2019 = * CHANGED: Adds unique class name to admin notices. = [1.10.3] - 04 Jan, 2019 = * FIXED: Fixes a bug where WP-Featherlight would not load as a gallery. = [1.10.2] - 14 Jul, 2018 = * CHANGED: Updates settings page for WP Lightbox 2 to match their update. = [1.10.1] - 16 Mar, 2018 = * FIXED: Updates how lightbox plugins are checked for activation. * FIXED: Addresses a bug that checks for previous slider settings. * FIXED: Removes an incompatible lightbox plugin (duplicate name). = [1.10.0] - 16 Mar, 2018 = * ADDED: Adds support for additional lightbox plugins. * CHANGED: Refactors lightbox to clean up attribute function. * CHANGED: Refactors various parts of the code to extract supported plugin data. * CHANGED: Extracts the class MetaSliderLightboxPlugin to its own file. * CHANGED: Changes the logic for check if the plugin is install and active. * CHANGED: Adds a CSS class to the container that identifies the active lightbox plugin. * CHANGED: Adds filters to let users manipulate the plugin use. * CHANGED: Refactors lightbox to clean up attribute function. = [1.9.3] - 14 Nov, 2018 = * CHANGED: Fix checks to slide URL. * FIXED: FooBox Pro compatibility update. * FIXED: Updates the FooBox Profile name. * FIXED: Update Gallery Manager plugin settings. = [1.9.2] - 26 Jan, 2018 = * CHANGED: Update translation strings. * CHANGED: Adds warning message when no lightbox is active. = [1.9.0] - 28 Mar, 2017 = * FIXED: Simple lightbox use slide caption instead of attachment caption. = [1.8.0] - 16 Mar, 2017 = * FIXED: Update slide image URL to comply with new slide post type. = [1.7.0] - 09 May, 2016 = * FIXED: Removes defunct Lightbox Plus plugin link (thanks to @Hendrik57). = [1.6.0] - 01 Apr, 2015 = * ADDED: Adds support for FooBox Image Lightbox and WP Lightbox 2 *Pro* versions. = [1.5.0] - 30 Jan, 2015 = * ADDED: Adds support for FooBox Image Lightbox and Responsive Lightbox by dFactory. = [1.4.0] - 15 Dec, 2014 = * FIXED: Hides dependency warning in admin if WP Video Lightbox is activated (reported by and thanks to: vfontj). = [1.3.0] - 28 Oct, 2014 = * ADDED: Adds support for Fancy Gallery lightbox plugin (suggested by and thanks to: Zim1). = [1.2.0] - 17 Sep, 2014 = * ADDED: Support for additional lightbox plugins. = [1.1.0] - 22 Aug, 2014 = * FIXED: Array assignment compatibility PHP < v5.4 (reported by and thanks to: andrea_montuori). = [1.0.0] - 15 Aug, 2014 = * ADDED: Initial version.