Ensuring creativity in literacy

A regular activity at Becchi Don Bosco Theologate Community (DBTC), Kavarapettai is to do with literacy. The Becchi Don Bosco Theologate Community consists of 38 students (brothers) and 9 staff (priests) members.

    Aptly named Becchi Book Reads, the Brothers in the Community are given twenty minutes to present a book to the community. The brothers in the Second and Third years of their Theology present a book of their choice to the community. Each week, a day is set aside according to the convenience of the community and only three members will take part per day.

    The presentation is left to the creativity of the Brother with the consent of the staff who guides him. The presenter is expected to give a glimpse of the book, talk about the author, select chapters in the book and the main theme the author dealt with. The community has taken the initiative in order to give a taste of the book to the viewers which could help them to understand the book and pursue in reading it.
    On November 29th, the following activity took place:

    Bro. Ashly on Christ Our Joy by Msgr. Joseph Murphy
    The author is a native of Ireland and received his S.T.L. degree from the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome. The book spotlights Pope Benedict XVI who constantly emphasizes that joy presupposes goodness, love and truth. He teaches that true joy can be found only in knowing and loving the God of truth, who alone satisfies the human longing for meaning and enduring happiness. Christianity is a religion of joy.

    Bro. Pream on Reaching Out by Henri Jozef Machiel Nouwen
    The author was a Dutch Catholic priest whose interests were rooted primarily in psychology, pastoral ministry, spirituality, social justice and community. This book speaks about three types of moving out. They are: Reaching Out to Our Innermost Self: First movement from Loneliness to Solitude; Reaching Out to our Fellow Human Beings: Second movement from Hostility to Hospitality and Reaching Out to Our God: Third Movement from Illusion to Prayer.

    Bro. Simolin on Ego: The Worst Enemy and the Best Friend by Shammi Sukh
    The Indian author builds upon the most gnawing and incessant human hunger called Ego. It is a desire to be great. The term Ego means “the sense of individuality” or “self-worth”. A certain degree of ego is essential for maintaining good mental health and making progress in life. The better position is to be to something with the ego position of “I am Priceless and you are Priceless”.

    Education and Culture